
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy One Year Blogoversary to Me!

Happy Blogoversary
As I come to the end of my first year of blogging and reflect back over this past year, I was very surprised (and pleased) to learn that more people were reading this little ole blog than I thought. I managed to write over 350 posts (almost 1 a day on average) and the blog racked up a little more than 4,200 hits from 10 different countries. Who knows, that may not be very many visits but I really thought I was writing just for myself and a few friends. So to me, it's monumental! Anyway, I am happy to tell you that it has been a wonderful and fulfilling year. A year where I challenged myself to explore new ideas.

"I'm Just Sayin"
Most Popular Posts
Let's take a
Walk Down Memory Lane
Winter: The year started with a Superbowl party that I hosted at my place. The Saints went on to take the title ("Who dat"?) 
Spring: Mr. C and I both celebrated landmark birthdays. We travelled to Europe where we spent an enjoyable and unforgettable 21 days. We holidayed for a week in Paris (which we enjoyed so much that we are making a return trip this spring). Took our 1st ride on a French EuroStar TGV to Barcelona where we cruised the Mediterranean for 14 days, aboard the Celebrity Century. 

Summer: I received the life changing results of my DNA test from African Ancestry and thus I began a new and search for my Fulani roots with a deep longing for connection with the people of my ancestral homeland.

Fall: We sent in the clowns to the  Rosier's last Halloween party and took the prize for "best costume".

Took a trip to Portland to check out The National Crittenton Foundation for some US ancestral searching.

The beginning of "The Little Dresses for Africa" project supporting the girls of the Casa Emanuel orphanage and the sponsorship of 2 beautiful children from the SOS Children’s Village in Guinea Bissau West Africa.

I look forward to the coming year and sharing my thoughts with you here at "I'm Just Sayin", further volunteer efforts in Africa, the joy of child sponsorship and my new blog devon4Africa.

To friends & readers known and unknown
 I would like to thank you for taking time to read the words I write.
 Your support is much appreciated

New in 2011
Oh, and before you run off to watch sports, shop, eat or catch the latest movie
 I’ve added several new features to this blog for 2011.

A VIDEO BAR  located on the sidebar - will play short videos of selected topics. To begin the year it is set to run fashion (mostly women’s clothing and shoes with fashion tips for average and plus sized women) along with videos of my most favorite city “ Paris”. Periodically I will change the topics so be sure to check it out when you stop by.

favorite charity  featured at the bottom of my page

The DAILY PUPPY will stick around.

MEET THE URBANDOGGS video added to the sidebar

Where in the world is Waldo  if you are one of my frequent readers you may have already noticed my new traffic counter. It tracks hits (starting 12/24/10) across the globe. When you visit my site you will see your geographic location light up on the globe along with the location of any other visitors online here at the same time. You can double click and look at all the locations. I think its pretty cool and don’t worry, for privacy sake it isn’t tracking your actual location address or any other personal information. You shall remain anonymous.

Happy New Year!
and please come back next year
I'm Just Sayin!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just watched Lily & Lola show-very sweet, and so well-dressed.