
Friday, December 31, 2010

Welcome My Kids!

Doin the "happy dance"

The children have arrived!

What a happy day this is. I finally received the welcome package from the Guinea Bissau Children’s Village containing the information of my 2 new children.

They are Josefino age 6 and his sister Delcimara age 8. According to my information they are both in good physical shape and very well adjusted.  Next step is to write them letters so that we can become acquainted. Although  the official language of the country is Portuguese, the suggested language for correspondence is French or English.

Here are their photos. Sorry they aren’t very clear. I took a photo of the photo (my scanner is working) but you get the point. 

I think that the children at the SOS Children’s Villages receive better treatment and have access to schools and resources that children at some of the other orphanages do not have. The philosophy of SOS is different and although the children will never be adopted they have the benefits of living in a family unit. I’m sure personal sponsorship plays a big part as well.  

Please follow Josefino & Delcimara over at devon4Africa

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Cindy said...

Congratulations on your adoptions! I think it is really amazing what you are doing for these children and your little dresses project. Thanks for all your informative, entertaining posts in 2010, looking forward to what 2011 will bring : ) .

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! That's exciting Devon. Do you know what their circumstances are? Like what happened to their parents? Any other siblings? I am surprised that they speak Portuguese in GB-must have been a colony at one time. Delcimara has a wonderful pose. They are lucky to have you.

Devon said...

No other info is available, altho I think I have the only choldren