
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Kwanzaa Celebration Wrap-Up

I mentioned the other day that I was attending a Kwanzaa celebration this past Thursday. I have not been to a celebration in many, many years so it was nice to be able to attend one this year. It was a very cold and rainy night here in No Cal so I was very happy that my travel consisted of walking just a few feet around the corner and down the hall to my neighbor’s unit.

The gathering was just what I needed after a rather stressful day at work. We had good conversation, the food was excellent (jerk chicken, curry chicken & sweet potato pie were among my favorites) and the shared purpose stories were inspiring. I would say that everyone listened intently to my story. They seemed excited to help as many of them plan to attend the party on Jan 23rd. I came away feeling renewed in my commitment to help the little girls in Africa and I even spoke with a teacher who mentioned the possibility of me partnering with the school where he teaches.

I couldn’t have asked for more!

 I'm Just Sayin
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