
Monday, November 22, 2010

To Grandmother's House We Go

 The Chertoff Connection: 
Body Scanners Are About Profits Not Protection 
Story from the BuzzFlash Blog
"It's amazing what our government has forced us to accept in the name of "security". They've bankrupted our treasury to chase down a hundred or so Islamic extremists hiding in the mountainous caves of Afghanistan.  The reasoning for this insanity is that "We must get them before they get us."  In the last year alone, the military tab came to $100 billion dollars to find 50 or 100 extremists or "insurgents" who are fighting because they don't want the U.S. oil companies to steal their oil.  We don't know how many people have died from our government's illegal, pre-emptive invasions in the name of security, but it's estimated over a million victims, fathers, mothers and children were killed, and hundreds of thousands of victims are maimed for life, including our soldiers.  Meanwhile, weapon contactors profit by the billions on selling weapons for an unnecessary occupation while our government officials tell us that we "must sacrifice by cutting Social Security for the elderly," which is far more frightening to those dependent on that income than an extremist hiding in a cave somewhere in Afghanistan."
I'm Just Sayin
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