
Monday, November 22, 2010

Don't Touch My Junk

Eyes Wide Shut
I don't know if anyone else is paying attention to the erosion of our constitutional rights's happening. Sorry to say it folks, but we have to stand up...again (I know you're getting tired of standing up but it will be worth it in the end) and this time we have to stand up and oppose the TSA's enforced non choice between potentially dangerous irradiating body scanners and the invasive (don't touch my junk) body pat downs.
Sneaky Government
Just this weekend, I read on the Huffington Post (and I bet it didn't even make it to your local newspaper) where the government was trying to sneak yet another bill past us. This one is called the "COICA" Internet Censorship and Copyright Bill and its purpose is to censor use of the Internet. Yep, that's right, the Internet! Basically, it gives the Justice Department the right to take down any website and actually block its contents because it does not like the "speech" contained there in. Thus creating a sort of online blacklist if you will. In case you didn't hear about this - the lame duck Senate Judiciary Committee voted unanimously to move this bill forward. 19 of our illustrious elected Senators voted for passage of this bill and it was only saved by (1) ONE lone Senator - Senator Wyden of Oregon (good job Ronnie). I'll post the "yea" voting senators - list of shame -  later  - but for now back to the TSA.
Peddling Doo Doo
John Pistole, the TSA director, and Janet Napolitano, Secretary of Homeland Security, have been everywhere telling everyone that the new procedures are a must for airport security in the wake of the 'underwear bomber' and the recent attempted use of explosive laced 'toner bombs.' (these attacks were reportedly organized by the Yemeni based al-Qaeda -AQ)
Right after the underpant bomber's failed attempt to blow himself to smithereens aboard a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Detroit, the DHS quickly deployed body scanners at airports across the US.
Follow the Money
One of the head cheerleaders of the body scanners was former DHS head Michael Chertoff (his advocacy of scanners dates back to 2005). After leaving DHS, Chertoff founded the Chertoff Group, a consultancy firm which represents the primary manufacturer of body scanners, Rapiscan, (which is poised to make BILLIONS of dollars from the sale and maintenance of the body scanners) Are you surprised yet? Well, hang on, there's more. In the days following the attempted underwear bombing, Chertoff made the rounds on cable news talk shows where he stressed the necessity of deploying body scanners. Of course Chertoff failed to mention the fact that his company represented Rapiscan.  Boys and Girls, can you say "CONFLICT of interest?"
An Intimate Gift just for you
Thanks to the botched bombings and the efforts of Chertoff and lobbyists, the largely untested and potentially dangerous scanners are coming soon to an airport near you. We’re getting the scanners, despite the fact that a number of security experts have said that the scanners would not have stopped Umar Farouk, the underwear bomber. As a matter of fact, the underwear bomber could have been stopped with a little common sense! He should never have been allowed to board the plane for a number of very obvious reasons  - primary among the reasons - he was already on a watch list, paid cash for his ticket, had no luggage and his own father (a wealthy Nigerian) had warned the US embassy in Lagos that his son was involved with terrorists groups. Duh, No body scanner or pat down necessary. 
Man’s Best Friend
Guess what? These scanners don't even detect substances or items hidden in human cavities. There are much less expensive and extensively tested alternatives, one of which is the use bomb sniffing dogs. (this option was never considered despite the fact that well trained dogs are far more likely to detect a bomb hidden in a human cavity in addition to being able to detect traces of substances used in explosives on a person's clothes or body) It's probably safe to say that it is much harder to make a profit off of training dogs, and the dogs would require skilled and well trained handlers. (and yes, I'm trying to say that the current screeners are neither skilled nor very well trained) and here's another factor: WE DON"T NEED NEW SCANNERS. The old one were working just fine, thank you very much.
We Want our Country Back
Since 9/11, we have given up many of our rights and our government has condoned practices like torture, legalized assassination, kidnapping, indefinite detention without access to council or trial - all in the name of keeping us 'safe' and 'free'. We have adopted practices and behaviors that we used to abhor in other nations and regimes. These practices, as demonstrated by the TSA, have nothing to do with keeping us safe or free - quite the opposite.
The TSA and DHS may have done the country a big favor by implementing such draconian and unconstitutional practices. They might just make us remember what the US once stood for and what a monumental accomplishment our Bill of Rights is for all of humanity. They may have just reminded some of us about what is worth fighting for and what it really means to be free. Freedom most certainly does not mean that when you enter an airport, you become a prisoner of the TSA.
I'm Just Sayin
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1 comment:

pilaufish said...

Our founding fathers are turning in their graves. The sad thing is it won't end. Our rights get chipped away day by day.