
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

What's Goin on?

The Urbandoggs comment on other not so newsworthy stories 


Yep, that’s right. Oprah Winfrey has offered the Duchess of York her very own prime time talk show.  Cha Ching! The poor Duchess is over $2 million in debt. Maybe I should have finished watching her last interview with Oprah. I do like Fergie, but I didn’t find her interview to be very convincing. Another public apology (yawn) It sounded a little staged and a bit too rehearsed for me (maybe she needed a drink or two first) But seems that my girl Oprah was prit-tee impressed by Sarah’s ability to "face up to her errors and apologize publicly for them" but wait...I’m confused, isn’t that what Everyone that sits down with Oprah’s does? What about poor Mike Tyson??? He needs a job too Oprah! Hmm, well anyway, Oprah believes Ferg’s on the up and up and I guess that’s all that really matters, right?

Oprah is launching her own cable channel 
The Oprah Winfrey Network (wow, clever name too) 
It will go live in January

Lindsay Lohan in Lock-Down

It’s been reported that Lindsay has been crying in jail. This, according to unknown actress, Lexi Neiers - 19 yr old star of  the “Pretty Wild”. Lexi was just released from jail where she served 30 days of a 180 day sentence for her role in the “bling ring” robberies. Lexi also got off easy as it was reported that she was clearly seen on a surveillance tape at the scene of the crime and pictured out and about wearing jewelry that was stolen from celebrities' homes.

And Lexi didn’t actually interact with Lindsay but said she could hear her crying in her cell. 

"Crying. She was crying. I could hear her," Lexi said. "She was crying. She was talking to deputies and, you know, just trying to--I couldn't really like make it out, but from what I saw the first day, I mean, she was lying in there and just trying to like calm down."
One reason for Lindsay not to cry: the special treatment her hair received.
"I mean, she got to keep her extensions in and everything, which most people don't, and the girls were like, 'Ah, they had to take my weave out and cut it all out and,' you know, stuff like that," Lexi said.
OK Lexi, you got your 15 minutes, you better hope they don't take Lindsay's extensions out now just cuz you ratted her out on "E". Maybe you didn't know that Lindsay has a whacko for a father! I think Lindsay’s dad can probably kick your dad’s a_ _.
~And last but not least, I just got my 100th friend on Facebook today!~
I'm Just Sayin
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