
Monday, July 26, 2010

The Unrepentant

Here’s a little update on conservative blogger, Andrew Breitbart.
In a recent interview, Breitbart told Politico that he believes that the Obama administration “manufactured” the controversy surrounding the Sherrod video in an effort to “take him down”. 

He claims that the liberal media is shifting the focus. “The desire here is to make it all about me and not the Democratic establishment and the NAACP vs the Tea Party,” Breitbart said, defending the footage he posted as “a self-contained newsworthy video that established the media standard for pointing out that the NAACP countenanced racism in its own award dinner setting. That was the point. And the video proves it”

Breitbart offers no apology and says Shirley Sherrod has not been held accountable for the racial overtones of what she said. made a funny video mocking Breitbart and implying that he “hearts” Al-Qaeda. MoveOn used a similar technique of splicing and editing together bits and pieces of past speeches. The video was aired on Jon Stewart’s show. If you’re interested you can check it out on the Comedy Central website.
 Randi Kaye
On a more serious note, CNN's, Anderson Cooper, aired an interesting piece, exposing Breitbart's habit of misrepresenting the facts (to put it mildly). Breitbart was also the mastermind behind the ACORN videos, which played a major part in the organization's demise.   
Unfortunately I could not link the YouTube interview but click on the link and you can watch it. 
I'm Just Sayin
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Accomplished Forked Tongue Contortionist