
Thursday, July 15, 2010

Another Day, Another New Tape

Where is Dr Drew when you need him?

Great scott! How many of these vile sounding tapes are there? Today’s explosive, Mel Gibson tape "Blow me first” must definitely be his last. After all, are there any groups left for him to insult?  He must have been thinking that he was starring in one of his own movies "Leave no Race Unstoned."

As someone very close to me says, "If you’re infected with one ism , you’re probably infected with all the isms.” Think about it.

Personally, I was never that fond of Mr. Gibson. Never understood all the hoopla. Had an ex roommate who just loved him tho. She talked about him all the time.  (Seriously, I’m not kidding here) She even fantasized about being Mrs. Gibson.  

And so sorry Whoopi, I can’t be “down” with Mr Gibson. (and I found it a lit-tle odd that you came to his defense the other day on the View but then I’m not a big fan of yours either) The only thing worse than a racist, is an alcoholic racist (they often try to blame their outbursts on the fact that they were intoxicated--an unacceptable form of denial in my book). It seems obvious to me that he must have had these feelings all along but somehow had been able to stifle the urge to express them verbally.  Of course no one really knows what he has said in private but I find it hard to believe that this would come as a surprise to his family or his close friends. I do think he is in need of some serious help. It was not only WHAT he said but also the WAY he said them that was sickening. Oksana should be very careful. Mel is a loose cannon and he could be dangerous. 

I read some comments from people, who in defense of Mel said, "Not one person can say that they haven't said things in the heat of an argument that weren't disgusting and moraly bankrupt. The difference is that he was recorded” OMG what is that all about? That scares me. Do we all (when we're not being recorded, that is) engage in profane, racist, hate-filled tirades?” Really?

I think his actions will put a damper on his career and its as it should be. We do have some choice in where we spend our hard earned dollars, and I for one, will not spend mine on Mr Meltdown.

Get some help Braveheart

I'm Just Sayin
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