
Monday, May 23, 2011

last but not least

Oops, Doomsday prediction wrong again!
Seems evangalist, Harold Camping, (the man who predicted that the end of the world would happen on May 21, 2011) now has many dissappointed, baffled  & bewildered followers.
Yes, the world survived pretty much unscafed despite the multimillion dollar campaign, funded by donations from other believers.  
On May 21st many non believers celebrated at “Rapture Parties,” (non-believers  planned  "Rapture parties" to poke a little fun at the Doomsday prediction and also raise awareness for other causes ) but for the Camping’s camp , the noticeable lack of earthquakes, brimstone, famine, and death was deeply disappointing.

Many of the followers sat dumbfounded as the 6:00 hour came and went  “I do not understand why …,” say one of the believers, as his speech broke off and he looked at his watch.“I do not understand why nothing has happened.”

New York Magazine reports 
one gentelman ordered a pizza shortly before 5 p.m. on rush delivery, thinking he might not have time to eat it.

Tom Evans, who acted as Camping’s PR aide, took his family to Ohio to await the rapture. Early next week, he told the Times, he would be returning to California.
“You can imagine we’re pretty disappointed, but the word of God is still true,” he said. “We obviously went too far, and that’s something we need to learn from.
(Duh, Yeah, like how bout not trying to predict the end of the world? How bout that?)
No word yet from Harold CampingThe shades were drawn tight at his home in Alameda on Sunday and no one answered the door, though neighbors said he was there.

Today Camping was a no show at his Family Radio office in Oakland.

I'm Just Sayin
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well now the date has been moved back to Oct. 21st! SO,we have a 5 month reprieve!!