
Monday, January 3, 2011

This Could be the Start of Something BIG!

Marianne Williamson will be at The Barnes & Noble @ Bay Street on Jan 16th. I am soo excited. If you don’t know who Marianne is, she is an author, a spiritual activist, a lecturer and a minister. I think her most famous work is A Course in Miracles, but it is her book, A Return to Love, (which I read some twenty odd years ago), that changed my life and set me on a new path.

Anyway, she has a new book out called A Course in Weight Loss -21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever! Hot damn! What a title, huh? I picked it up on New Year’s Day. This is just what I need to read, since I’ve been trying to come to terms with my own changing body. I had not heard of this book before seeing in at the bookstore, but I love all of her books -- so figured I couldn’t go wrong with this one either. I got home and opened the book to find out that my girl Oprah inspired the book. So now I’m doubly excited. I’ll take it with me on the 16th and have her sign it. This is a great way to start the year.

2-    Which brings me to #2, which just happens to be the beginning of OWN – Oprah’s new cable station. It’s on channel 220 here in the Bay. Looks like she has some interesting shows lined up. I just have to sit down and find them!

33  #3 and last but not least. Tonight is the beginning on a new season of….THE BACHELOR!!! Boring ole wishy, washy Brad is back for a second run. Why? I'm not sure. My friend Cindy and I, have decided not to get ahead of the storyline or read Reality Steve this time around. We’re just going to sit back and enjoy the show. I’ll be blogging my thoughts right after each episode, so…Stay tuned

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1 comment:

Cindy said...

Yes we love the bachelor, the crying, the backstabbing and the end where they find true love (??).
I will hold to my promise of sitting back and just being entertained, even though there may be some "production" involved in their alternate reality.
Can't wait for your recaps!
(Reality Devon)