
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Knick Knack Patty Whack - DON'T give your dog a bone!

I think of myself as a pretty conscientious pet owner (although admittedly, rather new to the scene). I seek out as much information as I can about raising healthy, happy dogs and I especially pay attention to anything that could be potentially dangerous to them. 

I was totally blindsided on the issue of dogs and bones!  

Now, before I start in, you should know that I realize (like most people) that dogs shouldn’t eat chicken bones. I got that. So, I don’t give them chicken bones. As a matter of fact, I hadn’t given them any bones at all until last week, when I went to my favorite local holistic pet store (which I trust wholeheartedly). I spotted some packaged bones for sale. I had never seen them there before. My thinking was that since the owner was carrying them in her store, they must be “clean” (meaning organically) and OK to feed to my little ones.

I took the bones home and gave them to Lily & Lola. They absolutely LOVED them. They played take a way and bury the bone all day. Although I gave them both a bone, as usual, Lily was the one doing most of the munching. They seemed very happy and I thought to myself – I should have done this long ago!

That was Saturday. On Monday morning, I awoke to the sight of little-white-rock-looking-poop-pellets (sorry to be so graphic). I wasn't even sure which one of the dogs (or if both) the poop belonged to. It really scared me though. I thought they might even be gall stones or something. I tried to calm myself down. I immediately phoned the vet and asked if bones could make my dog’s "poop look like white pebbles". She told me that it was possible and asked how they were acting. After assuring her that they were acting "normal" as far as I could tell, she instructed me to take the bones away. She also asked if the bones were raw or cooked. I told her they were cooked. She advised me that they do not recommend giving dogs bones of any type, but, if you are going to go that route - they should be raw. 

As instructed, I gathered up the remains of the bones.

Later that evening I went to get Lily in her xpen and she was standing at the gate shaking. She also refused to move. She seemed to be unable (or maybe just unwilling) to walk. When I tried to pick her up she yelped. Now in a panic, I phoned the vet back and told her what was going on. Since it was closing time at the vet she suggested I take Lily to the pet emergency hospital. We quickly put both dogs in the car and off to the hospital we went.

Stay tuned for the conclusion tomorrow  
"Why you NEVER want to give your dog a bone!"
I'm Just Sayin
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