
Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Story of Hope

roasting cashews in the village
I’ve been searching for as much information about Guinea Bissau as I can find.  There is a gentleman (who shares the same maternal genetic ancestry as me) who posts on the community forum at African Ancestry (where our DNA was tested). He has managed to visit Guinea Bissau on several occasions. He evens wants to move there (now that’s a HUGE under taking) In the meantime he’s also on a crusade to provide aid to the people. I have contacted him and hope to obtain some additional information about the country. He posted a link to an organization there called Lead International 
their goal: working to break the cycle of poverty
 Three Cheers!!!
Guinea Bissau's primary export is cashews
Lead Int has an 8 minute video which I am posting today. It gives some background on the country for about 3-4 mins and then for the remainder the video highlights some of the work of Lead Int. 
Please watch

***Please Note: I am not soliciting donations to Lead International. I am posting this video for the info on Guinea Bissau only
I'm Just Sayin!
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