
Saturday, December 11, 2010

So Far, So Good!

Things are moving along smoothly. I’m getting the word out to people about helping the children by donating to the Little Dresses for Africa.

We set up a launch date here in CA for Sunday Jan 23rd from 2-6pm. We located a room downtown which can hold up to 75 (I'm not expecting 75 people but I want people to feel free to stop by and drop off donations, even if they don't have time to help out in any other way) The room also has tables for cutting and sewing as well as a kitchen. I think this spot will be just perfect. I plan to hold a similar sewing party in Feb.

I am putting an announcement in the January bulletin at my condo complex and will work on some flyers this weekend. So far we have about 10 committed people locally and a growing support team in WI (thank you Toni). I think as the word gets out our numbers will grow.

I'm going to start a pillow case donation drive and the invitation to the Launch Party will ask each attendee to bring 2 pillow cases (new or slightly worn) or about 1 1/4 yds of cotton material to be used to make 1 dress.(ribbons and embellishments encouraged) 
I’m telling you, I have seen some REALLY cute dresses online made by other Little Dresses for Africa groups but I was really impressed with the dresses I saw on a blog called 
Con Tain it. They were so cute that I actually wrote to the blog's owner (Roberta) to ask permission to post the pictures on my blog today so that you could see them too. She was very kind and gave me permission to post them as well as a few tips and a link to a tutorial on how to make the non pillow case dresses (thanks Roberta). 

Everyone I have contacted through this process has been so generous that I’m not even worried about whether or not I can actually pull this off.  
we can use a variety of fabrics 
including African print
Oh, and please, when I start to freak out later, feel free to remind me that I said this!
I'm Just Sayin!
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con-tain-it said...

Congrats Devon on making things happen! I can't be there physically but I will be there in spirit and will be sewing here at the Love Shack. I'm committing to make another 10-12 dresses to add to your drive. I'll post about your drive tomorrow when we are not busy running around doing Sat. errands. Have a great day! Fondly, Roberta
ps...thank you for your sweet comments {blushing ;}

Devon said...

WOW this is wonderful news. Thank you - Thank You - Thank You!!! Can't wait to tell our team. Yippee!!

Anonymous said...
