
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

When the Dust Settles

First thoughts:
Pants on Fire!
Well, the Repubs won big yesterday and have taken over the House. Can’t say I’m happy, especially because the House now has several members of the Tea Party in its midst.  I just wonder how the government will run with “just say no” – “Hell No you can’t!!!” Republicans and with the likes of hate mongers and the fringe crazies  “We’re here to take our country back” and “Barack Hussein Obama should go back to Kenya” group in control”-- although the Dems still retain a slim margin in the Senate.

Get ready to hear the Republican talking points repeated ad nauseam! (tell me if they ever really say anything-- besides Whine, Lie, Complain and SPIN!!!) Not sure I can stand it. Hmmmm - Gee, maybe I should go back to Kenya – at least I could get away from the all the NOISE!!!!Ha Ha Ha

One thing is evident – Barack Obama needs to stand up to these idiots and lead the country. No more “Mr. nice guy” I say what do they have to lose??? They played nicey- nicey and see what it got them??? You can’t reason with 2 year olds (we all know that). So stopping trying.

Stand up for the people who put you in office!!

I'm Just Sayin (sadly enough)
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