
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A True BLUE Retro-lution in California

We could talk about why Meg Whitman lost her bid for the Governor’s seat in California…but….let’s not go into too much detail. I think if you’ve read my blog you already know how I feel. Suffice it to say that Meg had a huge image problem and a whole hellava lot of people just plain didn’t like her. When you have an image problem, no amount of money that you throw at an election will get you elected.  Meg didn’t get it. So she kept pouring millions into the game, mostly in the form of negative ads. People don’t like too much negativity and so they began to resent her wealth. In the end she went down in flames.

Oh, and did anyone see her concession speech??? Was there one??? She’s a sore loser and that is exactly how she would have run our state.

Buh Buh Queen Meg
I’m Just Sayin
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