
Monday, November 8, 2010

Looting of America - Part I of 4

Massive amounts of financial capital have been sucked out the United States and moved abroad, explains Fitts, ensuring that corporations have become more powerful than governments, changing the very structure of governance on the planet and ensuring we are ruled by private corporations. Pension and social security funds have also been stolen and moved offshore, leading to the end of fiscal responsibility and sovereignty as we know it

C a t h e r i n e  A u s t i n  F i t t s : 

Offers a unique perspective on the global financial system and on the political economy. Her background includes Managing Director and member of the Board of Wall Street investment bank Dillon Read & Co. Inc., Assistant Secretary of Housing - Federal Housing Commissioner in the first Bush Administration and President of Hamilton Securities Group, a Washington DC investment bank. Catherine has designed and closed over $25 billion of transactions and investments to-date, has led portfolio strategy for $300 billion of financial assets and liabilities and has participated in the private and public workout and turn around of billions in mortgage, real estate and banking fraud.
Catherine serves on the board of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (, a non-profit civil rights and educational organization which advocates and undertakes litigation against illegal collusion to control the price and supply of gold and related financial securities. Catherine publishes a column “Mapping the Real Deal” in Scoop Media ( in New Zealand

Looting of America Part I
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1 comment:

Toni said...

Bill Moyers used to be the one voice on TV who would confront these issues and I first heard from Catherine Fitts on his show. It is unbelievable that all of this has been allowed to happen -- over and over again, and still going on today. This past election we were not strong enough in our protests, so more of the grabbers got elected. We have 2 years to make it real to everyone, that their vote is their voice, and we must use it to change this process.