
Sunday, November 7, 2010

Inside Job - Explained

Back on Aug 28th I posted the trailer for a movie called “Inside Job”. I finally saw the movie last night.  You know how sometimes you see a movie and you think “this is incredible! What a great movie”? Well, that’s exactly what I thought after seeing this movie last night. The only thing is….this is real! This is about our economic system and the impending future of our country. It’s happening right before our eyes. President Obama knows it’s happening too and he hasn’t done anything about it.  All this other crap they are talking about is nothing but a distraction to keep people placated from the real truth, while Wall Street and the major financial institutions are robbing us blind. I keep posting on Facebook and I post here about what’s going on but I rarely get a comment. People don’t seem to care unless we’re talking about some fluff like fashion in Hollywood. 

What can I say? Ignore at your own risk. I'll keep posting. That’s all I can do.

"The original sin of Obama's presidency was to assign economic policy to a closed circle of bank-friendly economists and Bush carryovers. Larry Summers. Timothy Geithner. Ben Bernanke. These men had no personal commitment to the goal of an early recovery, no stake in the Democratic Party, no interest in the larger success of Barack Obama. Their primary goal, instead, was and remains to protect their own past decisions and their own professional futures."

here's the story click link

Obama's Problem Simply Defined: It Was the Banks

Inside Job movie trailer

I'm Just Sayin (again)
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Anonymous said...

I'm listening. Thanks

Ting said...

just added the movie to my queue.

Devon said...

Please do, it will piss you off big time! :) Tell your friends to go.