
Friday, September 10, 2010

Choices pt 2- What's in a Name?

Isabel pulled her new wool knit hat down over her face so that her eyes were barely visible, as if that would somehow help to hide her secret. As she stood in a corner of the bus station she saw a tall, slender woman wearing a dark coat. On her lapel, she wore a badge, which Isabel could read. It said “Mrs. Enola Duggan, Topeka Missionary Center”.  As the two of them made eye contact, Mrs. Duggan motioned for her to come over. Isabel picked up her suitcase and walked over to where she stood. With little more acknowledgement than that she was led outside to a late model blue Chrysler Desoto and then promptly, whisked away.  They rode in silence. The snow had almost stopped and Isabel stared out the window at the snow-covered streets. Left over holiday decorations lingered on some of the buildings. She had never been this far away from home before. The Midwest town looked nothing like the farm where she grew up. She sat quietly in her seat, relieved that she didn’t have to speak, but she knew there would be plenty of time for talking later.
Soon the car slowed down and they approached a large 2-story brick building. It looked eerily prison-like to Isabel. It had two odd looking, attic windows which set high atop the bldg. She wondered what went on up there.  There was no time to think about that now because the car had stopped and it was time for her to go inside. Fighting back tears, she took a deep breath and got out of the car. She walked briskly up the steps with her eyes straight ahead. The Center Secretary, Mrs. Whitfield, met them at the door. After a brief exchange Isabel was told that her room assignment was #8.  Before she could retreat to the safety of her new room, she had to sign the big book, which was kept on the desk in the secretary’s office. “This book”, Mrs. Whitfield said, “Is where the center keeps track of your time.” “Every single place you go.”  She looked down at the book. 
The first column read “Print first name
She picked up the pen
                   and she wrote,

That was the moment Isabel disappeared. 
to be continued
I'm Just Sayin
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Toni said...

I'd like to know more about Isabel/Aurelia....

Devon said...

Stay tuned. I'm researching as I go. This is pretty much a true story.