
Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Choices - A true Story

It was the first day of winter semester at a small prestigious college in the South. Instead of hurrying across campus to her favorite chemistry class, Isabel sat hunched in the seat of a crowded bus headed for Topeka.

The night was cold and snowy and Isabel was tired. She hadn't slept much during the long ride. Isabel was traveling alone and she had a secret. As she pressed her face against the window she could barely make out the shadows of the buildings as the bus made its way into  town. After winding through the streets, the bus finally arrived at the tiny station. 

She made her way off the bus and collected the old - worn - blue suitcase, which held the few belongings she was allowed to bring. She walked briskly into the building and found a place to stand where she could be easily seen. 

She had no idea who they were sending to pick her up
too be continued...
I'm Just Sayin
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