
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Come Along With Me

"It’s not the challenge among us but the challenge within us"
On the 3rd anniversary of my mother's passing, I finally decided to go on line and order the African Ancestry DNA kit. It is something I've had in the back of my mind for a number of years (well, at least since I saw it on Oprah). Anyway, with a scant few relatives left living to pass along "the story" (which doesn't really exist for us) I'm taking matters into my own hands. African Ancestry is the leader in tracing maternal and paternal lineages of African decent. It's the same website used by Oprah, Henry Louis Gates, Chris Tucker, India Arie, Spike lee and Isaiah Washington.  So, that's good enough for me!  I will only be able to trace my maternal ancestry through DNA as only men carry the Y-chromosome which they inherit exclusively from their fathers. I should have my results in about 4-6 weeks and will discuss more about how it works and the findings at that time. 

All of this longing to discover more about who I am has motivated me to want to visit the land of my ancestry (I think my desire was also accelerated by my recent visit to the ancient cities of Europe). Although this test cannot determine a particular tribe, it can tell me which present day country of Africa with which my lineage shares a genetic ancestry. 

So, as I was mulling over the many cruises and land excursions available for my next vacation, I decided that there would be no better place for me than AFRICA! Sometimes you just have to push aside every thing and seek out those "once in a lifetime experiences."

At the same time, why not really spice it up and throw in a little SAFARI action! I've already been in touch with a wonderful company (Game Plan Africa) a referral (thank you Maurine & Daire) and planning is under way. Currently, it will be a 10-12 day vacation in April or May to South Africa. Spending about 5 days in Cape Town and 5 days at the various Game Lodges for the actual safari. (of course this itinerary may change somewhat depending on my DNA results but for now this is the plan). If you know me at all, you know it will not be the sleeping on the ground, roughing it kind of safari. No siree bob!

Hotel choice- Capetown

I'm still deciding on the Game Lodges, but they will be 4-5 star lodges as well. 

So please keep hanging out with me through the journey. I promise you will learn a lot that you didn't know (along with me) about Africa and safaris.
Cute! but Not, Lily & Lola

Here's the REAL Lily & Lola

I'm Just Sayin
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Cindy said...

You go girl! Love the pix of the lions and Lola/Lillie.

Toni said...

I think this is a fabulous idea! I watched Henry Louis Gates documentary of his journey to Africa in search of his ancestors several years ago--I was amazed and surprised at what he could discover. Since then, he has been on a show on ABC? about ancestry. I know this is something we have talked about often and I am glad you are taking some steps to do something. Someday, who knows? I might even do mine....