
Friday, March 26, 2010

One More Day

WHO'S Fanning the Flames?

Well folks, I thought I could stop today and go back to more pleasant subjects but it seems that the shit just keeps getting deeper. So here we are again. I can't write about my trip to France because I am appalled at what is going on in America. What must the French think of us now? If they couldn't figure out our politics before, they must really be baffled now.(shaking head)
Where we find ourselves today is eerily familiar to me because I am old enough to remember my ethnicity being the object of vicious hate speech during the civil rights movement. I remember segregation and I remember the threats and the murders. Where do these people who are filled with so much fear come from? I thought we were  supposed to be a united people. We are, after all, the great U S of A. The land of the free and the home of the brave. We take our fake unity and freedom cries across the world to invade other countries and dictate to them how they should live. No wonder the world looks at us as hypocrites! Since 9/11 we were supposed to be a country that valued its people. We stick together against the common enemy. Except now, the enemy lives among us and that enemy is another American citizen, it could even be our next door neighbor. It has divided us to the point that our democracy seems to matter very little to those people who have decided that...although they lost the election (fair and square this time), they still have the right to have their way at any cost! 
Hello people, that's NOT democracy!!
Today I heard Rep Eric Cantor blame the democrats for the death threats against the democratic public officials. But the right and yes the National Republican Party has been stirring this pot for months. I heard a woman who left a searing voice mail message saying she was disgusted about the passage of Health Care because she LOVES her insurance company. WTF  Does anyone understand that this is dangerous and that someone could get hurt or killed? It's a sad time in American history, and at the same time, its an historic time in American history.
I just wish I had time to celebrate the victory. 
I'm Just Sayin
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