
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Boomer Retirement - 44 US Cities

Baby boomers are seeking out communities with culture, activities and events and turning to college towns, urban environments and smaller towns with vibrant downtowns. Story and photo source

Here is the Huffington Post's list of:

Where Are All The Boomers 


To These 44 Cities

While there are folks who are looking for a new adventure and want to move someplace very different, like Costa Rica, many more people want to downsize but stay local, in the same state or at least on U.S. soil.
Using our data along with US Census information, we thought it would be interesting to see what town or city in each state seems to be the most popular for people over 50. So where are those boomers moving? We've compiled a list of where the highest number of people 50+ have moved over the past five years, with populations over 50,000. (We will be doing another list soon of towns under 50,000.)
Some of the locations make sense and some of them are a bit surprising. For the most part, you won't see the towns that show up on the traditional top ten retirement lists from everyone and their brother. But we imagine there is something to crowd-sourced wisdom. If more 50+ people are moving to these towns than any of the others, and we've adjusted for median household income (so it's not the poorest or richest town in the state), there must be a reason, even if it's not obvious.

Check out the list here
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