
Monday, June 20, 2011

A rude view of the Weiner

One of my favorite blogs is The Rude Pundit. Rude's real name is Lee Papa and he's a professor of drama in NY and a performer. His blog is read by tens of thousands of people every day. (so I'm in good company) I used to read his posts religiously during the 2008 campaign but lately not so much due to the tremendous amount of time it takes to work a full time job and write 3 blogs of my own.  I do stop by the site however, when I want to check out his perspective on a political topic of the day and have a good laugh at his wit.
Rude makes his point with sexually explicit and politically incorrect humor (and LOTS of profanity) so I generally shy away from attaching any of his posts here or even a link to his site since this blog is G rated and believe me, the Rude is not. I decided to check him out today, just to see what he's been up to (and it seems that lately he has become more mainstream since I saw him as a guest on CNN a few months ago).

Anyway, his last post was during his weekly broadcast on the Stephanie Miller Show and just happened to be about Anthony Weiner (surprise!).

Here's a little of what he said (the cleanest section I could find)

The grinding media machine has eaten another victim and spit out his splintered bones and shredded viscera. Anthony Weiner resigned yesterday, in a press conference only notable for how stupid and asshole-filled it was, and now the machine knows that, with the assistance of its willing accomplices in Washington, it can pick and choose who to wreck next, like a mad sniper who today feels like firing at joggers in blue shorts.
Weiner sent out some racy texts and photos. And Democrats cowered before the gods of Fox "news" and banished him lest they seem like they were guilty by proxy of the non-crime. Like Shirley Sherrod and others before, they obeyed, they obeyed. Democrats won't fight in this way. They try to stay above the fray. They should have shut down the Senate until Vitter resigned, saying that admitted sex offenders have no place in Congress. They should have talked about nothing but Vitter and hookers any chance they had. But, no. Democrats wanted to talk about "issues." They wanted to "move on." It doesn't work that way.
While so many Democrats said that Weiner was a misdirect, that he needed to get out of the way so that the momentum Democrats developed on Medicare would continue, what they don't get is that Weiner wasn't a distraction until Democrats got sucked into commenting on him. Once again, they played the GOP's game, a game they can't win because they refuse to make their own move. For Republicans, Weiner was the issue. Not Weiner, per se, but the silencing of Democrats, the elimination of them. Once the texts and photos got out, the GOP could have taken a glass houses approach. Instead, they went totally voracious, like starving rats in a morgue.
And the media jacked it to the 24-7 beat. Now that this food source is gone, they will be offered another one soon. And Congress demanded answers where they had failed so many times to even ask a question. And Anthony Weiner, another defender of the middle class, has bitten the dust because he trusted stupid people and thought he could get away with it.

You've been warned
read the 6/17 story here
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I'm Just Sayin
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