
Monday, January 24, 2011

Little Dresses for Africa Event 1/23/11 - Recap

I am happy to report that we had 2 very successful events yesterday.
What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

Our sisters in Wisconsin really knocked this one out of the park! They churned out a whopping total of Twenty (20) dresses. Mostly using the original pillowcase pattern. They did this, with only five (5) in attendance due to the freezing cold winter weather. It was 0 degrees outside (you know that WI is cheesehead country) and now add a Packers Bay off game. 

The balmy Northern California weather, brought out a decent sized group (20+) but we turned out a few less dresses. We munched on croissant sandwiches, chips, dip, a yummy key lime tart and carrot cake from Whole Foods.  We also had both football games on the flat screen for those following the playoffs.

Our group had only 2 seamstress 2 sewing machines and we worked primarily with fabric. This meant some extra steps for adding seams and hems.  We cut, ironed and elasticized most of the 30-40 dresses but ran out of time before we could complete them all.

Some in our group, have volunteered to take many of the remaining dresses home to complete them.

Sending out a BIG FAT THANKK YOU to everyone who participated!
I'm Just Sayin
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