
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Bachelor Review- Season 15 - Episode Three


2 individual dates and 1 group date

Ashley H got the 1st individual date and opened up about her dad. He passed away from a brain hemorrhage. She and Brad went to Capital Records and tried to sing “Kissed by a Rose” (emphasis on the word, TRIED) Ashley wasn’t too bad but Brad was awful and obviously tone deaf. Lucky for him (and poor Ashley’s ears) that Seal was hiding out nearby and serenaded them with the song the way it should be sung.  
Anyway, she got the rose.

Next up - group date. They made a ridiculous action movie. I’m not a fan of the group date portion of the show, so I shall move on. But not before mentioning that Shawntelle N got the rose for her participation in that corny movie.

Brad is being very introspective this time around and even travels with his shrink. He spoke to him about a couple of the girls and obtained positive feedback from the doc. I didn’t hear him happen to mention that nut job Michele tho. Throughout the show Michele was popping in and out, interrupting private one on one time between the other ladies and Brad, and proving every time she opened her mouth that she is as loony as they come.  However, in typical “male” fashion, Brad was “intrigued” with her wacko talk and was happy that she was so in to him. What up with that?

On the next one on one date, Brad finally got to spend time with Emily the Barbie Doll with the soul of Mother Theresa (not my words). She had already told the other ladies the story about her one and only love being killed in a plane crash and the little love child that resulted from their union. Finally after much prodding she let out the whole sad story to Brad. Afterward Brad said something along the lines of how she was the kind of girl he could spend his life with or something. To be honest with you I can’t remember because I was too busy crying!! For real!

More antics by Michele

The kicker this week was that the “fanged vampire woman” Madison took off the teeth and threw in the towel. I guess she wasn’t there for the "right reasons" or she was late for her orthodontic appointment. Anyway she told Brad she was out - and that was that!

No roses went to
Sarah P (after which she cried so much she looked like Tammy Faye)
And Kimberly, who let us know in no uncertain terms that Brad must have been intimidated by her and that’s why he let her go. Uh huh - can you say sore loser?

Previews look good for next week
See ya then 
I'm Just Sayin

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