
Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Sky is Falling?

Uh oh, the Prez says he is taking a stand. Or…is he?
Did anyone bother to watch the dreadful Senate vote? The Republicans blocked BOTH votes. It was truly nothing more than political theatre and I give the performance one lousy star or a splattered rotten green tomato (they would get NO stars were it not for the fact that most of them bothered to show up on a Saturday).
Later - "At a meeting at the White House with Democratic congressional leadership President Obama said he would oppose any compromise deal on the expiring Bush tax cuts if it lacked help for the unemployed and other provisions designed to aid the middle class."

So, let’s examine this a little further. What is really happening here is that Chicken Little is laying the groundwork for the big cave-in. In a compromise the President will cede the very important issue of permanent tax cuts for the richest Americans in exchange for an extension of unemployment benefits. The 2 issues being far from equal in their importance (unemployment benefits are temporary and will come up for vote again at some point – the tax cuts for the wealthy, if extended, will more than likely never be repealed)

He should pull out his veto stamp and tell the Republicans that if they plan to get anything passed during the next 2 years they better give him what he wants now!

But, alas, he will not do it. He is afraid of his veto stamp.

I'm Just Sayin
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Toni said...

Perfect illustration for your post!
I am so disgusted with all of these lame duck legislators all crying we have to do something and no one willing to do anything. No don't make those people making a million or more (that they claim) have to pay taxes! I wish just once one of them would have to try to live on what I make!

Devon said...

and re unemployment how about when they say that extending the benefits encourages people not to get a job! Who are these people that are HAPPY living on unemployment? If there were jobs out there I'm sure 95% of the people who are unemployed would snatch them up in a hot NY minute!

Anonymous said...

two cowards.....

He is afraid, and so it is
as others and glad of it.

Non redundant swords,
that cut deep, so rivers flow.

But for Who? Who?
We want know!