
Monday, December 6, 2010

Little Dresses for Africa

Do you remember a few months ago when I received the results of my DNA test? 
Those bittersweet results. 
Although I was overjoyed and pleased as punch to finally discover my roots, 
sadly, I was a bit disappointed when I learned about my country of origin
(Guinea Bissau) 
 Now, please don’t get the idea that I am a big control freak trying to control even the place of my ancestor’s birth, because that isn’t it. 
The reason I was disappointed is because the country is so poor and unstable. 
I was planning a trip to Africa for spring of 2011 and I really wanted to visit my ancestral homeland. 
It never occurred to me that travel there would be impossible.
Since then I have come to terms with things as they are.
Guinea Bissau pop 1.5 million - 3 times size of CT
6th poorest country in the world
8th highest in infant mortality 
Life expectancy: 48 years
Independence from Portugal: 1974
A couple of months later I decided that since I could not travel there in person 
I would investigate how I might be able to, in some way, 
help the people of Guinea Bissau - from a distance. 
(At this time there is not even a US Embassy there) 
My thoughts were to focus on helping girls and/or women. I really had no idea how to get any information on legitimate aid organizations in the country.

 To show you just how the universe works, last week a colleague at work told me about a segment she saw on the NBC Nightly News (with cutey-pie, Brian Williams). 
The story was about an organization called Little Dresses for Africa

Tomorrow: My conversation with Founder: Rachel O'Neill
and my plans with "Little Dresses for Africa"
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Toni said...

This sounds like an exciting opportunity to get involved....I really am interested in what you have found out!

Anonymous said...

Inspiring STORY