
Thursday, December 23, 2010

Let's Hear it for the Pres

The Start Treaty
9/11 Responders
Net Neutrality
Child Nutrition
Extension for UnEmployment

The last couple of weeks have been like a political whirlwind. Whew, I'm tired!  
What a glorious day it is today for President Obama and the American people!!

And…I gotta give credit where credit is due. The man got some sh*t done! Period, full stop - Applause, Applause. President O is some politician. If I’ve learned anything, I learned that.

Don’t get me wrong, I still harbor a high degree of pissocity at President Obama for not fighting harder to repeal the Bush Tax Cuts (forever after known as the Obama Tax Cuts – for better or worse). I refuse to piece back together the picture of him which I ripped into a million pieces over its passage, but I am happy for the progress that was made on these other issues. (centrist as they may be - except for DADT). I don’t really think that the Republicans had all of this in mind when they challenged the president to a game of chicken last week.  I’m pretty sure that after the tax cut deal they probably figured that was the end of it. They could not have forseen all of this coming. POW!

Anyway, it’s done and the Pres has mustered up some spunk and gained a little bit in the polls. The people are happy and all is right with the world.

Until January.

Get ready when the Repubs take charge. They are mad as heck now cuz they sorta got played. They are not shy about their agenda either and have made it CRYSTAL clear who they work on behalf of.  

The next two years are going to be scary
So Middle class “you better hang on tight”

It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.

I'm Just Sayin!
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