
Monday, December 20, 2010

A Different Kind of Christmas

If you were to come to my house today, you would notice right away that I do not have one - single - solitary - Christmas decoration up. Not even a candle. I’m just not in the mood to decorate or get into the holiday gift buying spirit this year. I have been listening to Christmas music on my iPhone and on the special Comcast channel“Sounds of the Season” but that is the extent of my involvement. I think part of it is the terrible economy. I can’t justify spending the money on a bunch of, soon to be forgotten, lost or broken toys and gifts.

I bet if I asked my 2 grandchildren if they still have the nice little Sony portable Dvd players, matching carry bag and headphones I bought them last year for Xmas, they would get very quiet and only if urged, begin to make excuses about why they can’t find them, why they don’t work anymore or who broke whose. So, I won’t ask. This year I sent each of them a generous Visa card. They can buy themselves whatever they want. Whatever they buy, I can assure you, it won’t last long. American kids! You gotta love em.

So anyway, this year I am going to do something different. I am going to spend my time and money trying to help some children who are way less fortunate than any kid most of us have probably ever seen.  In yesterday’s post I told you that I was sponsoring a little girl from Guinea Bissau. Today the sponsorship office told me of a pair of siblings at the SOS Children’s Village in Guinea Bissau. They are a boy age 6 and a girl age 8. I had not thought of sponsoring a boy but these 2 might have a difficult time getting sponsorship since there are 2 of them. So I agreed to accept the responsibility of sponsoring both. So, now I await my sponsorship package with all the exciting details surrounding the children and the Village. Actually, I figured this would also give Mr. C an opportunity to join in on the experience.  My gift to him in a way.

And even though I’m a holiday drop out this year I feel happier and more alive than I have in many years. 

Hope you’ll all take time to celebrate the TRUE meaning of the holiday!

I'm Just Sayin!
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Toni said...

What you have chosen to do, and share with us the opportunity to participate with you is the best gift of all. The highest form of good is to give with no knowledge of who receives, but to just give from your heart. You give your best to us with your heartfelt postings.

Devon said...

Gee, thanks Toni!