
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Photos from: The Grateful Graze

Ladies and gentlemen: the story you are about to see is true. Only the faces have been changed to protect the innocent.

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Anonymous said...

Zany very zany

Toni said...

It looks like a great way to spend Thanksgiving and I love the artistic enhancements to the photos that you did! You sure are good at that. There is a photo in the gallery printed on canvas that is not 1/2 as good as some of yours...might be a fun thing to do someday!

Devon said...

Thanks Toni. Someday I will actually learn how to use the program. I might be dangerous then:) For now I love the distortion and the fact that it reminds me of the kind of art I can't do (the kind like you).

Cindy said...

wow really cool, how many hours did it take to make that grateful graze?? You did an awesome job!

Devon said...

Thanks and it took longer than I care to say :) That's why it's time to move on to video!

Anonymous said...

А! آخر حقا بلوق بالمعلومات هنا يا صديقي. أردت فقط أن أقول التعليق والحفاظ على جودة العمل. لقد مرجعية أنا بلوق الخاص بك الآن فقط وسأعود لقراءة المزيد في المستقبل يا صديقي! كذلك حسن اختيار الألوان على موضوع وغني بشكل جيد مع بلوق في رأيي المتواضع :)

Devon said...


Translation for comment on Dec 5: A! Another really informative blog here, my friend. I just wanted to say a comment and keep the quality of work. I have bookmark your blog just now and I'll be back to read more in the future, my friend! As well as a good selection of colors on the theme goes well with the blog in my opinion mediae