
Friday, November 5, 2010

A Land Called Nope

Mitch McConnell is acting like a power hungry drunk on crack. I’ll tell you what we need. 
We need to get rid of this lunatic!!!

Barack Obama on the other hand, is still busy trying to talk about compromise and bringing the parties together to do the people’s work. This is the same Barack Obama that ran on reaching across the aisle. He hasn’t changed….yet.  He’s too much of a gentleman  to get down in the mud with the likes of Mitch & his lying troupe of creepy evil-doers. To be honest with you, I think President Obama has to be very careful. No one has mentioned this yet but I think that if he were to become the least bit "agitated" or “confrontational” he would quickly be labeled as the "Angry Black Man”(remember that he has already been tagged as "arrogant"). This is code in the era of the new racism. Any hint of possible "anger" would feed right into hands of the Tea Party and the immoral pundits on Fox News, like Beck & Limbaugh. Seriously, I think he is caught between a rock and a hard place.

With all the problems we face in this country – 2 wars, millions of homes in foreclosure, unemployment and massive debt up the ying yang, Mitch McConnell and his merry “party of no” have announced that their main priority and plan for the next two years is; to devote all of their energy into making sure Barack Obama is a one term president.  Not one word about helping solve the current problems facing Americans. I ask you, what voters put this group of Bozos back in charge? The fact that the same Republicans who derailed the train are back in control shows just how uneducated and uninformed the American electorate really is. The Republicans have no desire to serve the PEOPLE. They are very eager, however, to fight for profits for Wall Street and corporate America and to make the rich, richer.

Well, you know what? Democrats are people too. If the outright lies (and believe me they are making up some really ridiculous shit) and if Barack Obama is too much of a gentleman to get down in the gutter, well, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to see a revolt within the ranks of the rest of us “sane” folks sometime soon. That’s a fight I’m willing to have. Bring em on!

Here's Jon Stewart with a little Mourning After commentary 
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