
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

He’s Just Not That Into You

Was there another damn meeting today in Washington? Dare I ask how many meetings it takes to reject extending the Bush tax cuts to the rich? I think it should take about…10 seconds max. See, it’s very easy. Just say NO!

Unfortunately, I think the meeting lasted a bit longer than 10 seconds (I saw Dick Durbin on TV all star struck and everything because the Pres invited them into some special room to have tea and cookies) and from what I am reading on the blogs it looks like Pres O is prepared to wimp out and extend the Bush tax cuts for “all” Americans.(woo-hoo) 
That would of course, include the greedy rich people (who I might remind you – already pay less tax than the rest of us – based on % of income)
I hear the deal was actually struck some months ago. I would rather see them expire for everyone than to see the rich get another break! Call me crazy, but I have studied them long enough to know “they ain’t hurting” At least the country would save some money.

I’m frustrated.

Nothing much is changing. I’m pretty convinced now that there is really NO significant difference between the parties other than different window dressing. They’re both working for “the man” - in this case “the man” = corporate America/big business and Wall Street. So as I have stated before, “if” this is truly the position Pres Obama takes, 
I will not vote for him in 2012. There, I said it! I can only hope there will be a viable alternative (non Republican) running against him. If my only choice is Obama and a Republican, or worse -- God forbid, SARAH Palin, I will sit this one out. I know that is not the responsible thing to do but I feel compelled to let the rest of the country decide this one – without me (and I understand that if I don't vote, I don't get to complain).

So please President Obama, my future and yours may hinge on the decision you make re this issue. Make it wisely.

I'm Just Sayin
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Toni said...

This is a hard one to swallow isn't it? The compromises that politicians think they have to make can be so unpleasant. With the election results of November, the reality is that if Obama pushes through what he might like, it would be repealed in January. I wish he was more forceful in doing what he said he would do--and he has done some of it--but I am very disappointed with Obama-Biden. The next 2 years are going to be a fight to get through. I am not to the point where I would sit out an election, but I am not happy.

Devon said...

I hear ya!