
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Change is Gonna Come

Today I joined Emily’s List.
Lately I’ve been feeling kind of antsy - like I can’t just sit around and do nothing while the country goes to hell in a hand-basket. (That kind of antsy) There are more than enough people sitting around on the sideline complaining. I don’t want to be one of them! I have also discovered that since Obama has been president, my political views have moved a bit left of center. A shift toward views shared by the more progressive arm of the Democratic Party. Now, I haven’t yet studied the history of the progressive movement but I go with this definition Progressives' main objective is to change the status quo.” Of course this belief may also have something to do with having been a teen in the 60’s. At any rate, I needed to find a group with whom I shared common aspirations. 

Don’t laugh but at first, I mixed up Emily’s List with Angie’s List. I couldn’t, for the life of me, figure out why a group that warned us about the perils of carpets ruined by angry painters with red paint on their shoes, would also be involved in political activism.

But I found out that…
Emily’s List is NOT Angie’s List after all. It is a political action committee (PAC) that aims to help elect Democratic, female, pro-choice candidates to office. It was founded in 1985, when 25 women met in the home of Ellen Malcolm.
Contrary to popular belief, the organization was not named after a woman named Emily. The name Emily’s List is an acronym for "Early Money ILike Yeast", from the common political saying, "Early money is like yeast, because it helps to raise the dough."  The saying is a reference to a convention of political fundraising: that receiving lots of donations early in a race is helpful in scaring off challengers and attracting other, later donors.

Now sit back and enjoy Sam Cooke 
I'm Just Sayin
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