
Sunday, October 24, 2010

Update: DISASTER in THE GULF! The truth no one is talking about

Posted: 23 Oct 2010 06:17 PM PDT
The corporate media has almost entirely stopped covering the Gulf oil spill.
Many have tried to say that the effects of the spill are not nearly as bad as feared, and that everything is pretty much cleaned up and back to normal.
But today, it is widely being reported that there are currently massive stretches of weathered oil spotted in the Gulf of Mexico .
And websites like Florida Oil Spill Law (FOSL) have tirelessly been reporting on the Gulf oil spill this whole time.
To give an example of the ongoing crisis in the Gulf, here’s a roundup of some of the top stories from FOSL from the past 3 days:
Note - In related news, the government – always eager to immediately get to the bottom of what is really going on and then to fully publicize the results – has sent crucial Gulf samples to be analyzed in a lab . . . in Poland (all of the American labs are apparently busy testing the toxicity of hinky mortgages, mortgage backed securities, CDOs and naked CDSs). And the result will be shipped back by slow boat: NOAA isn’t expecting results back until the end of the year.

President Obama has reversed his previous campaign promise and approved offshore drilling. I support our President but I don't always agree with him as I have stated before. This current situation is another example of political double speak and blatant disregard for human life. Shame on you Barack Obama!!

I'm Just Sayin
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