
Friday, October 1, 2010

The Rat is Revealed! Ha!

can I say I told you so??
The Whitman's, contrary to the candidate’s flat denials (seen above), did in fact receive the red-flag letter from the Social Security Administration some six years ago. Contrary to Whitman campaign supporters’ insinuations that the maid stole the letter, it was in fact Meg’s hubby who gave it to her along with a note. (oops brain fade)

Of course this is all Jerry Brown’s fault too. Seriously, she isn't even smart enough to know that Gloria Allred is a pro. Allred has been around the block and she isn’t likely to come out with an accusation like this unless she can prove it. During the debate on Monday, Meg was so smug, calling out Jerry Brown repeatedly and pushing her plan to make employers accountable for hiring illegals. 

What’s that saying about "people who live in glass houses"?? Something about throwing stones…. Politics can be a brutal game Ms Whitman.

I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if she ended up canceling the debate on Saturday. (Especially since its in Fresno, a city she has already dissed and pissed off with some insensitive statements made last week.
Update:Dr. Griff Harsh, Meg Whitman’s husband, just released a statement saying that it may be his signature on a 2003 letter that raised the possibility that their housekeeper was undocumented. The statement came hours after Whitman held a news conference at which she insisted neither she nor her husband had seen the letter from the Social Security Administration, and suggested that the housekeeper had intercepted it.
Blog: L.A. Times Politics Blog, Seema Mehta - 9/30/10
And don't forget---
Meg Whitman proposes eliminating the CA State Tax on Capital Gains.  According to the California Budget Project, the people in Meg Whitman's tax bracket make 62.8% of their money from capital gains.  She will save herself and the other billionaires a fortune. Shifting the entire tax burden to the middle class and the working poor.
I'm Just Sayin
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