
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Queen Meg - Debate - Round 2

In the opening of Saturday's debate in Fresno, Queen Meg (eerily resembling Bette Davis in Baby Jane) turns to glare at Jerry Brown and blasts him “Jerry, you know you should be ashamed. You and your surrogates put her deportation at risk. You put her out there. You should be ashamed for sacrificing Nicky Diaz at the altar of your political ambitions.”

For reasons that remain unclear, Megabucks used her spotlight moment to point a finger of blame at Jerry Brown (with absolutely NO evidence), for exposing her own hiring and long-term employment of Nicky, the undocumented housekeeper. (So, which one of her high paid advisers thought that was a good idea?? Probably the same one who suggested she not mention the matter back in June 2009, when she could have easily disposed of the issue)

“Don’t run for governor if you can’t stand up on your own two feet and say, ‘Hey I made a mistake, I’m sorry, let’s go on from here…” Jerry Brown fired back.

“You have blamed her, blamed me, blamed the left, blamed the unions but you don’t take accountability. You can’t be a leader unless you’re willing to stand on your own two feet and say, ‘yup, I made a mistake and I’m going on from here.”

Funny, when asked a few weeks ago why she was running an ad that was blatantly false, eMeg said it was ok because that’s what politics is nowadays and it was “fair.” Now, when confronted with the fact she had in her employ a person not here legally, she’s mad (really mad!) and comes up with some conspiracy theory involving the Brown campaign. Come on! The Brown Campaign consists of Jerry, his manager, and a few interns working at a card table in a room somewhere unlike Meg’s massive campaign….

Meggy has only a casual regard for the actual facts, relying instead on the power of $Money$ to shape the "truth" to fit her needs.

I'm sick and tired of politicians being caught, then blaming their opponent because someone shined a light on who the candidate really is!

During the rest of the debate, Meg gave solid, scripted, conservative answers on most of the issues. But, despite her own opening statement about the crucial importance of the Latino voting bloc (which I think she overstated), she said practically nothing to suggest to Latinos that she would be there for them any more than she was for Nicky Diaz, whom she quickly kicked to the curb when she learned she was an illegal immigrant.
Did Queen Meg have no training regarding features and benefits? You never lead with the feature! If you are trying to make a sale, you always lead with the benefit. (elementary, my dear Watson) What can "she" do for the Latino community. Shame on you Meggsy!
If Latinos are expecting help from this woman they are sadly mistaken. She wouldn't help one Latina woman she knew. Why would she help 12 million she doesn't know?
Remember she is paying $119 million of her own money to buy the governor's job. I understand that people can raise money from corporations and donors in the millions. (Which is somebody else's money) But using over 100 million of your own money tells me she expects a return on that money. A business person doesn't generally spent money unless they expect a return. (and BTW-I wonder why she didn’t use a teensy portion of that money to help someone she once considered practically part of the family?)

As I’ve mentioned before Meg Whitman wants to eliminate the capital gains tax in California. According to NASDAQ, she holds 17,765,964 shares of eBAY. You gotta ask - - is that how she plans to reimburse herself for her investment of $119M in the CA Govenor’s race? Looking out for herself and her rich buddies and the heck with the rest of us??? (You're on your own)

The only way to let the corporations and billionaires know that they can't buy elections is to vote against them! 

Claiming she would only hire "someone who was 100% legal," Meg assured reporters that, "Griff and I play by the rules."
Except when we don't.

“Salaries are rarely the true measure of a CEO’s net worth in their rarified world of dividends, stocks and bonuses. Forbes Magazine in September 2008, and the New York Times, reported that Whitman received $120.4 million, in salary, bonus and the value of her excercised options in her final year, despite eBay’s stock plummeting 49 percent.”
I'm Just Sayin
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