
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Meg vs Nicky - The Update

Meg Whitman, who trails Jerry Brown by 10 pts in current polling, appeared on Fox News last night in an interview with Greta Van Susteren (whom I am not that fond of either) anyway Meg took a pretty hard line on Maid-Gate.
When she was asked directly if she believes Nicky should be deported, she responded with her usual teeth clenched smile,"Well, the answer is it breaks my heart (yeah, right), but she should be deported because she forged documents and she lied about her immigration status." She continued, "And, you know what? On November 3rd, no one's going to care about Nicky Diaz. But the law is the law and we live in the rule of law. It's important."

Wow compassionate conservatism up close.

Exactly who are you trying to fool? It’s not even Nov 3rd and already no one cares about you!

You want to know why no one will care about Nicky Diaz on Nov. 3rd, Meg? 'Cause you'll be gone! But, thanks for all the money you poured into our state.
Meg can always go back to her old modeling job!
I’m Just Sayin
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