
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Throw the Bums Out!

Let’s just say that, tonite, I am in a piss-eee mood. Why? Well, so glad you asked (although I’m not sure I can put my finger on any one thing). Suffice it to say that I am deeply disappointed in this country. Maybe I should be more precise and say that I am also deeply disturbed by the action or non actions of many of our representatives in Washington DC.

Is all of this fear of “others" happening just because Barack Obama is in the White House? I wonder. There seems to be this out of control phobia of "others" running rampant. 

Today the Republicans delayed the abolishment of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. What the heck does it matter what sexual preference someone has? For the life of me, I have never been able to figure that one out. And, I totally agree that if someone in the military is so disturbed and so unfocused that they can’t perform their duties just because someone in their unit is gay....well, I think the disturbed person should be the one who is asked to leave the military. That ridiculous law was inacted to help the homophobes not to help the gay soldiers. And then there's Obama is Muslim, he wasn’t born here. Then, its a law passed in Arizona to round up the Mexican illegals. It's racist demonstrations and threatened Koran burning because of a proposed community center in NY where there just happens to be a Muslim prayer room (along with pray rooms for Christians and other religions).

I am disappointed in all of the uninformed Americans who are so narrow minded and afraid that they can’t see that they are being manipulated by money hungry, egocentric rich people who couldn’t give two cents about them. They just want to keep us separated and angry and afraid of each other. That way we don’t see what’s really going on. 

Wake up!

Then a funny thing happened. I haven’t checked in with Jay Smooth since I said good bye to Dr Laura, so I tipped on over to his website and lo and behold, here was his latest video. 

and btw I think the Democrats are weenies!!!
I'm Just Sayin
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Anonymous said...

Well, as you know, I divorced myself from the two-party system last year (or in 08). I do not believe any of them!! I now think Obama is just more of Bush as they do what they're told to do by the people who got them elected. Did you see the Town Hall meeting with Obama on Mon? I saw a clip where a supporter of his told him she was getting real tired of defending him, and where is the hope and change? She said it's not the change he spoke of during the campaign. Between the bail-outs, stimulis pckg., and the wars, we are drowning in debt, a debt our children and their children will have to work very hard just to make the interest pymt..

This Nov, I am not sure who I will vote for but let me tell you, I will not vote for any incumbents! Boxer has been there long enough-like four terms already! Out, good-bye.


Devon said...

I'm not exactly blaming Pres O and yes I did see the town hall. (btw-how many of those did Bush have??) I think that is a little unfair to lay the blame on him. He's only one man and he can't do everything. The man has passed a lot things since he has been in office. Even tho things are bad they would have been a trillion times worse had we still had Pres Bush. And, we would still be in Iraq. I think we need to give up this global imperialistic attitude that we have. WAR does not work! Period, end of story. That in itself would save us tons of money. So, I blame Pres O for continuing the war and of course the lack of focus on the housing situation. I know you like to give the Republicans a break but I think they are bigger weeinies than the dems. I will be scared shitless if they get back into control. No matter what anyone says, they were driiving when we went into the ditch. And I have no respect for a party that only wants to separate us by playing on our fears. If they have any good suggestions besides tax cuts for the rich. I say Speak up!