
Saturday, September 25, 2010

If it walks like a Duck....

Or in this case a Pony.....

Ally Financial's home loan unit, GMAC Mortgage, has a 13-person team dedicated to processing and signing all the foreclosure and eviction paperwork. The head of that team was tasked with reviewing all the files, ensuring that foreclosures were factually and legally justified, reviewing all documents for accuracy and signing them in front of the notary.

In a couple of wrongful foreclosure lawsuits, an exec testified that due to the massive numbers of documents he was required to hand-sign, the most he could ever do was glance at the names, glance at a few numbers and sign thousands and thousands of papers (as many as 10,000 per month). Then, they were all bundled up and shipped off to a notary somewhere off-site.

In fact, this practice was so widespread that Ally Financial has halted all foreclosures, foreclosed owner evictions and resales of foreclosed homes in 23 states, until it can sort this all out. If you're in the midst of the foreclosure process and Ally Financial/GMAC Mortgage has been processing your foreclosure, check the list below to see if you may be affected.

If you lost your home to foreclosure this may affect you, even if your home was not financed with a GMAC Mortgage; Ally Financial services loans and processes foreclosure documents for hundreds of other banks.

According to a website called 4Foreclosure Fraud:

Ally Financial Inc., the auto and home lender rescued by more than $17 billion of bailout funds, begins a new advertising campaign today to replace commercials that portrayed competing bankers as deceptive.

The (new) campaign for Ally Bank, the company’s Internet arm, will be shown on television, in print and online and highlight accounts that carry no fees and high interest rates, according to a Sept. 17 statement.

Not the “other” Sept. 17 statement…
Ally Chief Executive Officer Michael Carpenter has built deposits with marketing that pledged straightforward products and above-average yields while tweaking competitors for mistreating customers.
The original campaign was started in May 2009 to introduce Ally, the name adopted after the GMAC Bank brand became tainted by GMAC’s near-collapse in 2008. The ads, created by BBH New York, featured a tall male banker who makes various offers of toys or treats to small children and then changes what they actually get

Ally's "old" commercials. Remember these???

Ally's "new" commercial

I'm Just Sayin
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