
Friday, September 24, 2010

Guess Who I'm For?

I finally saw an ad for Jerry Brown on TV yesterday. I was happily skipping past the commercials and then...I saw it - - something that didn’t look like a Meg Whitman ad. Thank goodness!

I have no idea what has taken him so long, maybe he was banking on name recognition or maybe he thought she would beat herself with all of her vicious negative ads. Not sure why, but at least he's in the game! 

And... to my surprise and that of many political observers, the Whitman-Brown contest seems to be neck and neck.

A new Field Poll shows that despite record breaking spending, (she has poured $119 million of her personal money into the race), she remains tied with state Attorney General Jerry Brown.

Jerry Brown (former 2-term California Governor, Mayor of Oakland, Presidential Candidate) and Meg Whitman, the ebay billionaire who couldn't register to vote when she was a 'busy career woman' each have the support of 41 percent of voters, according to the poll, with 18 percent unsure about which candidate to back - that's up from 13 percent in Field's last survey in July.
By race and ethnicity, white non-Hispanic voters favor Whitman 44 to 40 percent, while Latinos favor Brown 43 to 40 percent - very slim for a Democratic candidate, (a margin that could reflect the small sampling of Latino voters reached in the survey). African American, Asian American and Native American voters overwhelmingly support Brown, 48 to 26 percent.
-- In geographic areas, Whitman leads Brown in the Central Valley 47 to 33 percent, and in Southern California's inland counties 49 to 31 percent. Brown leads Whitman in coastal regions 46 to 37 percent.
With only 40 days until the Nov. 2 election, the growing number of undecided voters may be the result of negative ads, which have clouded the views of some voters and turned off others, Field Poll director Mark DiCamillo said. 

I say, for the 1 millionth time – The American people are tired of negative advertising!!!
Meg Whitman has campaigned on budget busting tax cuts for the rich. Economic growth doesn't come from tax cuts for the rich. It comes from taxing the rich more in order to help the rest of California find economic security, enabling them to fuel sustainable job and wage growth.
Jerry Brown understands this. Meg Whitman doesn't - because she doesn't care. Her goal is to use the governor's office to destroy government in order to give more money and power to the rich. The capital gains tax cut alone would also have the benefit of, over several years, likely paying back the cost of Whitman's gubernatorial campaign.
I'm Just Sayin
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