
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The First Debate Brown vs Whitman

Meg, Meg, Meg
(to borrow the words of Vienna from the Bachelor) 
"You're the biggest fake liar I ever met"

Debate Review:

I have to tell you, I think I’m Prit-tee darn good at sniffing out a fake (calling out all the fakes I know). That’s one of those senses that gets keener with age. So, I have to tell you, as poised and polished as Meg Whitman appeared to be at last night’s debate. 

I smell a RAT!

Her tone was condescending and she came off a bit arrogant to me. (I don't know, but there is something about her voice that really bothers me) I can't find any empathy in her words or her proposed policies. If she were elected, I feel that it would be a giant step backward. No more help (and there is barely any help as it is) for the “average” person instead there would be plenty of benfits for big business and the wealthy.

Jerry Brown sounded as if he was speaking off the cuff and was a bit rattled in some of his answers, however, I never doubted his sincerity.
Bring on Round Two (Sat in Fresno).
I'm Just Sayin
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