
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Not For Women Under 40

 Inside Every Woman is a Little Girl,
 Who Wants to Play Dress Up

I don’t know any woman who would purposely wear something that makes her look fatter. But you’d be surprised at how many middle-age women wear styles that make them look older.

It’s not just vanity that keeps me wanting to look younger. It’s the fact that I don’t feel old on the inside, so why would I want to portray an aged image to the world?

What Not to Wear After 40
Or How to Fight the Frump

          Tweed - Some fabrics have a youthful vibe (like denim), tweed on the other hand seems to do just the opposite because it’s associated with matronly suits. If it’s a menswear look you are after, a better option would be pinstripes or an oversized houndstooth.

          Reading Glasses - OK, so you might need them, but no woman ever looked younger with those little reading glasses hanging off the end of her nose. And what's up with that chain attached to them (so you always have them at hand)? That makes you look older, too. If you must wear reading glasses (and I need them, too) make sure they are cute or fun (try a fun color or ones with gemstones)

Gray Hair - I’m probably going to get in to big trouble here from all the women who opt for gray hair, but I'm going to say it anyway -- because the truth is, it makes you look older.  And that's something I can do without at this point in my life. It may be OK for "real" seniors, but in middle age you might still want to look as young as possible. I'm not saying gray hair can't be chic (I know many women who look beautiful with it), I'm just saying it never made anyone look younger. Better options than going gray in middle age are hair colors that are flattering to your skin tone.

          Cardigans - I know I just told you that they are in this season, and they are, but be carful. Although it can be an ideal layering piece, it is really unflattering for heavier women because it lacks shape and structure so lumps and bumps can show. A better choice is a jacket or blazer with some construction (set-in sleeves, seaming, a collar, etc) because it will offset the middle-age spread (and if you’re over 40 you most likely have at least a little). And whatever you do girls, do not tie the cardigan around your waist because it doesn't hide the hips, it only makes them look bigger.

     The Sensible Comfort Shoe - Uh, want to ruin a perfectly good look? Wear a pair of comfort sandals with it. There are way too many cute shoes out there that are comfortable without the big clunky soles and other features of the so-called comfort sandals. (No photo - I think you all know what I mean)

M  Peg-leg jeans with a high waist – a.k.a. mom jeans – are unflattering and outdated. It’s such a simple thing to change because every label out there has some version of Jeans that work for women of our age, from affordable Lee jeans to upscale 
Not Your Daughter’s Jeans
 (my personal fave).

Any color that isn't "Your" color
    One thing that will instantly make you look older is to wear a color that drains you of color and washes you out. The right colors (and almost everyone looks pretty in the right shade of red or blue) can brighten your skin and make you look younger. Trust me on this one!

 Old Lady Handbags - Are you guilty of carrying a logo purse from 15 years ago? Handbags have made a big explosion on to the fashion scene over the past decade and if you are still carrying one of those old organizer bags (or worse) it can add years to your age. Toss it today. A perfect updated option would be a cute crossbody bag or a fun leather bag.

      Too much or too little makeup - Garish blush and lipstick can be just as aging as no makeup at all. If you’re not sure what still works for you, go to your local department store or Sephora and get a free makeover with the latest products. New eyeshadows are sheer and luminescent, as are lipsticks and glosses. Learn how to apply pretty colors with a light hand and you’ll be on the right track to wearing the perfect makeup in middle age

  Socks and sneakers with anything other than workout clothes - Sneakers and socks with Capri pants or suits? Yikes. White sneakers (except for working out) are a one-way ticket to old lady land (and practically banned in Paris – remember?). I try to avoid this outdated look by always having updated sports shoe options on hand (a pair of slip-on black sports mules is a good option, so are Converse style sneakers.)

(From Style Goes Strong)

This video has some pretty good suggestions for how to make yourself look more youthful however I'm keeping my red lipstick! 
I'm Just Sayin
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