
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Calling (out) Dr Laura

On the Tuesday Dr Laura show, a conversation with a black female caller (Jade) turned into a firestorm. Jade was complaining about her white husband's friends and their use of the N-word.

Dr Laura's audio below - my comments follow
Sadly, here we go again. I’m going to call people out on these kinds of incidents as long as they continue to happen.

Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s fallback defense of her N-word rant was the same old tired argument that many white people have tried when caught using this racially charged word, he or she uses the defense that black people say it all the time, and as a term of friendship. They usually argue that their comments were taken out of context to sound racist. Does Dr Laura really believe that just because we have a “black” president, all signs of racism have vanished? If so Dr. Laura, you are very much out of touch with African Americans ... and likely a good portion of America as well.

Dr Laura could care less about the caller. She loses sight of the caller’s question as she immediately warned her not to "NAACP me," (in reference to how Shirley Sherrod was taken out of context). Did you also catch her comments about the black activists (scary) and their quest for power? This is akin to Tea Party rhetoric to me. These statements cut to the heart of her “real” beef, which is about the election of President Obama and her lock step following behind her right wing cronies, Hannity, Beck and Limbaugh.
To put the icing on the cake, she finishes her rant by admonishing  the caller about being too "hypersensitive about color," that she shouldn't have married outside of her race, then cuts her off and continues her ridiculous commentary. Would it be hypersensitive for a woman to react to being called the C-word? Or how about the K-word Dr Laura?? (who isn’t even a real doctor).

The N-word is OFFENSIVE and off limits...period...full stop! I don't use it and neither do any of my friends. The dictionary is full of other acceptable words to use. Just because someone else uses it doesn’t make it right (if someone jumped off a bridge….you finish the sentence)

If you are interested, click here for her flimsy apology

I’m Just Sayin
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go Devon!! Dr. Laura's answer was totally STUPID-she didn't even address the caller's problem adequately at all. She went off on an inexplicable tangent about an issue that was unrelated to her personal situation. By the way what is the K word?