
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Fake Jake

Of course I cannot let last night's episode of The Bachelorette go by without adding my two cents.


Ali was a bit reserved, I suppose its due to the "cold feet" she has after exposing Justin (Rated-R) as a low life publicity seeker (or as the show put it: "not there for the right reasons"). I think we viewers should all get ready for the fact that there will be a weasel (spoiler) in every story line. Seems to be the pattern anyway (probably planned that way by ABC for ratings). The only thing I have to say about the actual episode is that I was surprised she let Ty go and kept Chris (I predict he'll be gone next). My thought is that Ty scared her off with stories of sexism in his previous marriage. OK so done with that. Let's get to the juicy part. 

Jake & Vienna

                          What was that?

                                                       A train wreck?

First of all, didn't we ALL say that Vienna was too young for Jake and that he picked the wrong girl in the first darn place?? Duh!

Poor little Vienna. I don't think she knew she was engaged to a narcissistic, controlling little would-be actor with anger management issues. And, I do think he is a fame whore (not my words) I wasn't that keen on Jake in the beginning. Something about men with short arms that bothers me. Poor Jake was so turned off (he couldn't even have sex with her) because she changed the bedroom furniture, had a gay male friend in her apartment and she had the nerve to consult the GPS for directions. Sounds like major male emasculation to me! Geez, if that set him off, I'd say he definitely isn't ready for a relationship, with a woman.

I'm not letting Vienna off the hook either. She was interrupting him and crying and whining. And stomping off the set was a bit dramatic. But, hey, she's young! She'll just have to learn that some men can drive you to.... well... I'll just leave it at that. 

My favorite line by Vienna to Jake was " You're the biggest fake liar I ever met!! Cracked me up.

In the end, it's probably best they go their separate ways. Jake gets his publicity and Vienna gets $90,000.  Cha Ching! Sounds fair to me.

I'm Just Sayin
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1 comment:

Cindy said...

Awesome!!!!!! you hit it dead on..