
Sunday, January 17, 2010

Where Are All My Friends?

I remember that song by Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes (1974) and lead vocals by Teddy Pendergrass. Sadly, Teddy passed away a few days ago at the young age of 59. Something about his death struck a cord within me and I began a search to find some of my old friends.  
Since I am an Air Force 'brat" we moved around quite frequently and I have friends scattered from coast to coat.  I took out a sheet of paper and began writing down the names of any & everyone who came to my mind (Nancy N, Nancy D, Leila, Bonnie, Rita, Gary, Tony, Charles & the 2 Cheryl's).
Technology being what it is I actually came pretty close to finding at least some information on most of them. Locating the friends from the 70's was my first project. I started with Rita. I tracked her to  SC even found an email address and  a phone number (which I called and left a message). 
Next was Nancy N, an old friend & work acquaintance from my days at the phone company back in Denver. I found that she was a lawyer in Chicago but when I finally found a contact phone number I phoned and was told she had retired.
I then successfully located a friend I knew in Houston from the 80's. She's in real estate and now lives in AZ. I got a  number for her and we actually spoke for about an hour on the phone. It was great fun catching up (altho she remembered me as being "a black model from LA.") Oh well, she was half right.   
I also tracked down Gary, a male friend I knew back in the 70's. We were good friends and had a lot of fun together. I discovered that he had not ventured far from where we both lived.  As I continued to Google in hopes of finding an email address these are the shocking words the search revealed:
 -- Gary Dwight Boykin Sr., of Aurora, Colo., formerly of Sioux City Iowa, died Saturday, Dec. 5, 2009, in Aurora due to illness --

Life  is short, period! People and moments are very special. We need to treasure the time we have together. Then we can remember with love and not regret.

If you were to die tomorrow, can you you say that you have lived your life to the fullest and that you impacted positively on the lives of those around you or would you have regrets regarding things left unsaid or undone?

I'm Just Sayin
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Bliss said...

Seems the older I get, the more interested I am in finding my friends from the past, people I grew up with, went to school with.

Thank goodness for Facebook. It's made the search much easier. I'm finding that I can even get info about those who AREN'T on Facebook from those who are. lol

Can't wait to get back home this coming summer to spend time with those I've connected with since last time I was home.

And if I knew right now that I was gonna die this time tomorrow, the only thing I'd be concerned about would be my taxes. A tiny bit of change to tide my daughter over until the REAL money comes. lol

Devon said...

Ah yes the taxes :-)