
Saturday, January 2, 2010

Oh Danny Boy

Danny Glover is one of my favorite actors and I read recently that he voiced his disappointment in the job President Obama has done thus far. I have to say, although I voted for President Obama, I too am disappointed.

The policies of the Obama administration appear to mimic too closely those policies which we experienced for 8 torturously long years under the Bush administration. Most recently I cite the health care reform debacle, the troop surge in Afghanistan and the mishandling of the closing of Gitmo. I still do not understand how with a democratic president and a democratic majority in the senate, they failed to produce a robust health care bill which helps the American people and not the insurance companies. And NO public option? And why are we sending thousands of troops to Afghanistan? Oh and we know about the so called "exit strategy". Obama has now set himself up for history as a "War President". Let's talk about the REAL reasons we are in Iraq & Afghanistan. WTF!
Score one for the Republican minority!

My hopes for President Obama (and WE the people) in 2010:
1. Stop trying to please everybody and do what you know is right (you told us what was right numerous times when you were on the campaign trail)
2. Start fulfilling your campaign promises now (we're holding you to them)
3. No more sleeping with the enemy (get rid of those close advisors that were responsible for getting us into this mess in the first place)
5. Cut the ties with Wall Street. They've been in charge way too long. They are all rich fat cats and we are all going broke!!
5. End both the war in Iraq and Afghanistan (You won a Nobel Peace Prize for God's sake!)
6. Fix this ridiculous crap going on with home foreclosures. It's a scam and it's un American. Somebody needs to stand up and say something.
7. And.....there is no, and I repeat NO such thing as TOO BIG TO FAIL!!!

I'm Just Sayin

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1 comment:

Bliss said...


I hope this first year was his "calm before the storm" and not a dress rehearsal for how the next three years will be in the U.S.

Still thinking about relocating to points waaaaayyyyy north...