
Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Nuuz in Review

  1. Thursday President Obama endorsed the "Volcker Rule" a proposal to put tougher restrictions on the financial industry. Geitner was sidelined (for the moment anyway). Seems that after Wednesday's smackdown in MA, President Obama has gained a new perspective on what the American people want.
  2. With his term ending on Jan 31, Ben Bernanke may be out. Currently he may not have the 60 votes he needs. Can't be gone fast enough for me. Could you please take Tim Geitner, Nancy Pelosi & Harry Reid with you??? PLEEEZ????
  3. Goldman Sachs under investigation for its security dealings. 
  4. John Edwards finally admits that he fathered a baby with Rhielle Hunter. Hey Good thinkin John, since the baby looks JUST LIKE YOU. Who are you trying to fool???
  1. THANK YOU to GEORGE CLOONEY for your generous donation of a $MILLION$ bucks  and my hat is off to a host of Hollywood stars, singers, actors and sports figures who made the telethon a success!!
  2. Orphans were flown out of Haiti to the Netherlands and the US.
  3. Sanjay Gupta for his tireless efforts in helping the injured. Even when other doctors left him alone the CNN Chief Medical Correspondent quietly continued his work of helping the injured.
  4. Clinton- Bush Haiti Fund - working to provide immediate relief and long term support to earthquake survivors. 
  1. Say GOOD BYE to Conan, a funny guy and class act IMO. In his final appearance as host of the Tonight Show, the show scored Big ratings. As a matter of fact, according to NBC, the ratings were so high it was No. 1 for the entire evening among all late-night and prime-time programs. Take that Jay Leno!!!
  2. To Jake "The Bachelor" for getting rid of that psycho bitch, Michelle. What a piece of work. We're sooo happy you didn't keep her around just for ratings. 
  3. Jon Stewart for his hilariously funny portrayal of Keith Olbermann's Countdown and his trademark "Special Comment." I like Keith but John, you're a very funny dude!
  4. Golden Globe awards for voting Mo'Nique as Best Supporting Actress for her gripping performance in Precious. You Go Gurl! Kudos to Kevin Bacon in Taking Chance, Drew Barrymore for Grey Gardens and of course, AVATAR!
  1. To the voters of Massachusetts for running scared and right into the hands of the party that got us into this mess in the first place. Grow a pair!
  2. The Supreme Court for its 5-4 decision in the Citizen's United Decision giving a green light for special interest $ and corporations to run rampant - injecting as much money as they want (or can) into federal campaigns. WTF! We can only hope that now Congress will be forced to take action and pass REAL Public Finance Reform.
  3. Bonuses paid out in 2009- 
         Goldman Sachs - $16 Billion       JPMorgan Chase - $27 Billion
         Morgan Stanley  - $14 Billion         CitiGroup - $25 Billion

    1. Oprah Winfrey's interview yesterday with Sarah Palin. I changed the channel. Nuff said!
    2. Andrew Young's book outing his "friend(?)" John Edwards' paternity. I don't condone that John kept it a secret but....Andrew, you're a weasel because you did it for money and revenge. Can you spell "Karma" Mr. Young??
    3. Where's Tiger? The relentless pursuit of Tiger Woods. Who cares!
    4. Rush Limbaugh for his most recent fairy tale comparison of "Jewish Bankers."
    and finally on this week's rain and the UrbanDoggs:

    I'm Just Sayin

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