
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Beans Will Make You Poot or The Political Upset in Mass

Today I had planned to write something light. Like a recap of last night's The Bachelor, or a list of my favorites from the Golden Globes. Instead I feel compelled to write about the shocking but predictable loss for Democrat Martha Coakley to Republican (ex nude model) "Downtown" Scottie Brown in the MA race for Ted Kennedy's senate seat. All I can say is, "I hope the people of MA know what they are really getting with Mr. Brown" The reason I say it was predictable, is because not more than 2 weeks ago I wrote about how disappointed I was in the current state of affairs in this country. Obviously there were more people than me who shared this feeling. C'mon admit it, we were all jazzed up to have Barack Obama scurry off to WA and instantly change EVERYthing and make us all feel better!  Maybe we could even go back to spending money and buying expensive houses and cars again.  And although we pretty much pledged that we would stay involved and do the hard work to make this a better country....well, we're tired! We gave change ONE whole year and not enough has happened. So now we're scared and second guessing our choices and those repetitive, negative, Fox News talking points are ringing loudly in our ears.

But....on the other hand.....nothing  has  changed  in  Washington. It's pretty much business as usual. Our future being sold off to the highest bidder. Health Care Reform is a disaster!  When they had the chance they blew it. They didn't fight hard enough for the reform we sent them there to produce. What will we get now?
and...the Spin begins! 

I'm Just Sayin
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Bliss said...

I'm just sayin too!

I cannot believe the people of MA were swayed by a pretty face. Shame on them.

There have been cries of foul play in the election process. Some said their ballots were pre-marked.

Who knows what other kinds of tampering could have occurred?

And just in time to fell the little progress we MIGHT have made with the health care bill...

I hope this matter is investigated.

Devon said...

Me too, and Lavanson was mentioning that he thought there might be foul play involved